City Hippy

The diary of our struggle to live a green and fair life.

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CityHippy has posted its last post now (I now work for EMP plc, run At Home magazine online and more and personally blog over at Why? Click here to find out. We might be back. Keep our RSS feeds, keep us bookmarked, sign up for the news alert on the right. You never know...

We are dedicated to exploring how to live a greener and more ethical life. City Hippy is a growing collective of writers bringing you two types of content:

ARTICLES: Enjoy real content by real people trying really hard to live a greener and fairer life. Generally in-depth with weekly updates at least. Located in main body below.Subscribe:
BOOKMARKS: Follow our web travels & explore our 1400+ links to a greener life across various categories i.e. baby, cosmetics, DIY, furniture, garden & shopping. Short, sharp and frequent updates. Located down to the right. Click here to see our latest three bookmarks.Subscribe:


Saturday, October 07, 2006

SPECIAL: Au revoir not goodbye

Some good news and some bad.

For a while now I have enjoyed a great relationship with

That relationship has just stepped up a gear and I am delighted to announce that as of Nov 1st I will be Natural Collection's first Head of Marketing. I am really looking forward to the role as you can imagine. The best part, apart from working for the Ethical Retailer of the Year of course, is that the position is home-based meaning I get to enjoy my family more and restore some much-needed work-life balance.

This job is going to consume almost all of me and so I have decided to suspend all my other time-consuming and mentally demanding activities where possible to devote myself fully to the role.

That means no more being the Blog Editor for the Ecologist and, sadly, I have taken the decision to freeze CityHippy for the time being.

I may well come back to it one day but for the forseeable future the CityHippy blog will cease to publish new content. I considered letting some of the Editors carry it on but CityHippy is just too much of me to let others carry it forward. All good things must come to an end I guess. Please continue to link to it though as it still remains a valuable resource with over 530 articles and 1400 bookmarks. And keep the feeds in your feedreaders as you never know what might happen.

Some of CityHippy's Editors have decided to start their own collective blog carrying on from CityHippy and I am very excited by what they are talking about doing. I totally support and applaud them and look forward to reading what they have to say. More on that new blog when I know more.

CityHippy's swan song will be on Nov 6th when I will bow out by hosting the 1st year Anniversary edition of the Carnival of the Green. Seems an appropriate moment to leave the stage. From then on the Carnival will be run by Nick Aster of Treehugger.

So there it is folks. Nov 6th. Put it in your diaries. We are gonna have quite possibly the first and biggest blog retirement party so let's show the blogosphere that greens know how to party. Please do join me on that final post and leave your thoughts.

My struggle to be green is not over but my family and I have come along way and without you all there is no doubt in my mind that we would not have come this far. For that we thankyou.

Please do stay in touch via email or via:

Call me!

View Al Tepper's profile on LinkedIn



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At 4:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very good news for you and your family, sad news for all of the rest of us.

You will be missed Al.


At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the very best with the new job Al, and we hope to still stay in touch.

Tracy & Nikki @ Eco Street

At 10:26 AM, Blogger susan said...

i don't beleive it! i only found this blog today and it's all over! still will look forward to ploughing thru the links....

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Jeff McIntire-Strasburg said...

Al-- City Hippy has been a shining example of the potential of "green" blogs -- I, for one, will really miss it. I'm so happy to hear about your new opportunity, though -- congratulations! It's a well-deserved vote of confidence for your abilities.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Melanie Rimmer said...

I hold myself entirely responsible, and I'm deeply sorry. It's all my fault because I subscribed to the RSS feed. I've been the kiss of death to more good blogs than I care to admit to. Good luck in your new job, and thanks for putting eco blogging on the map.

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job Al! This looks like an amazing company to work for. I wish you all the best in your new venture.

BFN, Geraldine

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AL make us proud!! City Hippy has been a great an inspiring entity and i am sure that the energy you put in will continue to flourish for a long time to come... (plus now we have NaturalCollection to add to the list!!) and don't feel too bad about it, it happens to the best of us (personally I've been too busy with GreenLiving to add to my Exuberant Pantaphobia for ages... (why i haven't addd to the carnival in so long...) but i am sure that your awesome vibe and earnest efforts will shine through in newer ways.... so congrats! and here's to home based good works, and thanks again for all your inspiration!


At 2:11 AM, Blogger j&c said...

Congrats, and good luck!

I'll be happy to take another slot for the Carnival. No preference, just the first one available.

Wishing you the best!

At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sad to hear you are closing up shop after getting me on the bandwagon for the Christmas Lights Campaign. Best wishes in your new job, a fresh start and new beginnings are always good.

As a parting gift I thought I would let you know that although we just kicked off the Christmas Lights CFL give-away, 307 cfl bulbs have either been given away, purchased directly or's not 100,000 but it's a start! Please check Jenni’s blog or Taraluna after the holidays to see how many bulbs we gave away or pledged.

Good luck in all you do!


At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to know that you are moving into a green role - it's always good when someone with green beliefs can move to a role that can have a greater impact on "non believers" by getting a name and ethic out there.

Good luck to you - I was looking forward to contributing on a regular basis, especially now that we have just gone international.

Jane (

At 1:52 PM, Blogger marigolds2 said...

Dearest Al - Congratulations and best wishes for enjoying your new career, as well as being able to spend more time at home with your family. This is good. Life is so short, and we often forget to pay attention to what really matters. Like everyone else, I will miss you here at City Hippy, you have been an inspiration to me. A recent death in my family has complicated my life, and blogging has taken a very back seat to some other things - but you will always be the prime mover in green blogging for me. Be well, be happy, be ever green. - Mary Ellen, marigolds2 of The Blue Voice

At 2:06 PM, Blogger City Hippy said...

Thank you all for being so wonderful and inspirational but most importantly thanks for 'being the change' and inspiring me and energising me into being the change too. We ARE changing the world for the better and it feels great ;)



At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad and good news all at once. Good luck with everything and thanks for all you have done!!

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is indeed sad news, Al. I want to thank you for "being here" when I started green blogging and always offering a helpful hand. The Carnival of the Green will continue to carry your torch.
Thanks again and it sounds like you got a rockin cool new job!!

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Gareth Kane said...

Congratulations on the new job and sorry to see a fellow eco-blogger have to hang up their mouse. My eco-living blog has only been going a month, but I aspire for it to be as good and as popular as this one.


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Admin said...

Congratulation Al! :-) I'm happy for you...good luck with your new position and balancing work+life in the near future. I agree with you that this is only another transition...and green movement is getting bigger and better for everyone. Thanks for your many contributions...and all the links you have here.

All the best...cheers :-)

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True leadership skills would have you delegate a successor. What a shame you are sacrificing a good service in order to save your ego.

Good luck with your new venture.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger City Hippy said...

Hi Sweet Pea,

Thanks for your best wishes and wisdom.



At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. Now THAT'S a poser - what to send for the 1stblogiversaryCityHippygoingawaypartyCarnivaloftheGreenextravaganza?

The green gauntlet has been thrown.

Must concentrate...

At 1:21 AM, Blogger Nicola Finch said...

Thanks Al!! City Hippy was how we met you (so very glad we did) and it has been our dearest wish for you that you would find a way to work from home since that was way up at the top of your list!! Excellent news, we're so happy for you and your family! Congratulations! Thank You for your wonderful work and for your friendship! Au revoir indeed :)
Wishing you love, light and laughter!
Nicola and David

At 5:26 AM, Blogger Deb said...

Best wishes to your and your family. Thank you for your dedication to Earth and Earthlings.

Until later,


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